This research is back-worded by the pragmatic experiential learning problems the
researcher faces in daily routine activities of teaching learning from first to fourth
semester (2008-2021) at PoliMedia. It has accumulated into the researcher’s pragmatic
findings that teaching English for publishing students with its basic skills (reading,
writing, listening, speaking) should be in line with the needed basic competencies of
language assessment in the publishing needed skills (pre-writing, drafting, revising,
editing, and publishing). However, in order to assure the pragmatic findings it is
needed to do the academic analysis through the following academic research
methodology, including: setting and time, research design, population and sample,
data collection instrument, and data analysis. The research uses qualitative approach
through seeing, observing, discussing and studying some related documents taken
from questioannaire, interview, simulation and focus group discussion among
lecturers.. The data shows various level of language acquisition (reading, writing,
listening, speaking) found in prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing.
While there are seventeen students’ needed technical skills to be supported in learning
process, such as: 1). team working skills; 2) oral communication skills; 3) problem
solving skills, 4) customer handling skills, 5) management skills, 6) general IT user
skills, 7) technical and practical skills, 8) office administration skills, 9) written
communication skills, 10) literacy skills, 11) numeracy skills, 12) IT professional skills,
13) foreign language skills, 14) grappling with grammar skill, 15) speed reading skills,
16) note-taking skills and 17) negotiating skills.
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