Author Guidelines

General Requirements

  1. The theme and scope of MEDIASI article relates to media, language, and communication in terms of both study and practical experience.
  2. Articles are based on the results of research, community service, or education in the fields of media, language, communication in the form of studies and best practice experiences that are equivalent to research, original and have never been published in other journals.
  3. The article is written using good and correct Indonesian and English with a number of pages 12-20 pages A4, normal margins (top, bottom, left, right: 2 cm), 1.5 spacing, size 12, Arial using Microsoft Word with this template.
  4. Each submitted manuscript will be reviewed by two Reviewers who have expertise in their respective fields and then edited by the editorial board.
  5. Articles must be submitted no later than 2 (two) months prior to the month of publication (January, May, September) through OJS MEDIASI.
  6. Scientific articles will be checked by the Editorial Board for their similarity using a plagiarism checker application. The tolerance limit for the level of similarity of scientific article manuscripts is a maximum of 15%.
  7. Confirmation of accepted or rejected manuscripts will be notified in writing through OJS MEDIASI.

Download template: TEMPLATE JOURNAL

Systematics of Manuscript Writing Based on Research Results

  • Title, composed of a maximum of 14 words in Indonesian writing, 12 words in English writing.
  • The author's name, written without an academic degree or nobility, accompanied by the affiliated institution where the author works and the address that can be contacted, either by e-mail, office address, or home and include a mobile number to facilitate communication with the editorial department (may be included in the body text of the email).
  • Abstracts, written in two languages: Indonesian and English, are arranged in one paragraph containing the research background, objectives, methods, and research results. Abstract maximum 150 words with 1 space.
  • Keywords, in the form of important words (keywords in writing, maximum 5 words).
  • Introduction, contains a description of the background, objectives, and benefits. The introduction is written without subtitles, composed of a maximum of 20% of the entire writing.
  • Literature Review, contains a summary of theoretical studies. The literature review can be followed by subtitles containing the theoretical basis or related theoretical studies, composed of a maximum of 20% of the entire writing.
  • Method, contains a summary of the research methodology. The method is written without subtitles, composed of a maximum of 10% of the entire writing.
  • Results and Discussion, containing a description of the results of the research and the implications resulting from the research, compiled a maximum of 40% of the entire writing.
  • Conclusions and suggestions are presented in the form of paragraphs.
  • References, using books and journals for a maximum of the last 10 years, with more than 20 references from scientific journals. It is recommended to cite at least one article that has been published on MEDIASI. 

Systematics of Manuscript Writing Based on Non-Research

  • Title, composed of a maximum of 14 words in Indonesian writing, 12 words in English writing.
  • The author's name, written without an academic degree or nobility title, accompanied by the affiliated institution where the author works and the address that can be contacted, either email, work or home address.
  • Abstracts, written in two languages: Indonesian and English, are arranged in one paragraph containing the research background, objectives, methods, and research results. Abstract maximum 150 words.
  • Keywords, in the form of important words (keywords in writing, a maximum of 5 words)
  • Introduction, containing a description of the background, problem objectives, and benefits, written without subtitles, composed of a maximum of 20% of the total writing.
  • Discussion, consisting of several subtitles containing a description of the problems discussed. This discussion is the core of the journal article, compiled up to a maximum of 70% of the total writing.
  • Conclusions, arranged in paragraphs form a maximum of 10% of the entire writing.
  • References, using books and journals for a maximum of the last 10 years minimum 20 references including 10 references from scientific journals. It is recommended to cite at least one article that has been published on MEDIASI.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 11-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.