Framing Analysis of the Shooting of 6 Laskar FPI on Online Media and

Ketut Wiriyanto, Umaimah Wahid


This article examines the News Outlining Examination of the shooting of 6 FPI troops in Web-based Media and 7 and 13 December 2020 versions. This exploration utilizes a valuable worldview and media portrayal utilizing the Zhong Dan Dish and Gerald M. Kosicki. and are public web-based media, which are a lot of popular by Indonesians. From the aftereffects of this study, it was found that report from the two internet based media had different outlining or perspectives, especially the pros and cons of the police.


Framing Analysis; News; Online Media; Laskar FPI;

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MEDIASI Jurnal Kajian dan Terapan Media, Bahasa, Komunikasi

P-ISSN 2721-9046 | E-ISSN 2721-0995


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