Call For Papers


We invite you to publish the research and development of Multimedia and Informatics in JoMMiT : Jurnal Multi Media dan IT in the period :

  • Vol 8, No 1, June 2024 (Deadline 31 May 2024)
  • Vol 8, No 2, December 2024 (Deadline 30 October 2024)

Please send your full paper (*.doc or *.docx) via the REGISTER/LOGIN form.


  1. Please submit using a good and correct Article Template
  2. Reference at least 15, the last 10 years publication.
  3. Recommended using Mendeley/Zotero/EndNote application in writing reference.
  4. Plagiarism Check results a maximum of 20%. Upload the plagiarism result (*.pdf) in Step 4 as an attachment file at the time of submission.
  5. Minimum 6 Pages.
  6. Maximum file size of 2 MB.