About the Journal

Kreator is the main forum for sharing research information between researchers and graphic observers. Through this journal, various studies are expected to be disseminated to users optimally. This journal is managed by the Polimedia Graphic Engineering Department and is published periodically twice a year, namely April and October.

Kreator (p-ISSN: 2354-9505) (eISSN: 2548-9542) publishes scientific articles on research results in the field of graphic printing science, both conventional and digital (2D, 3D, 4D) which include preparation to completion of printing and its application in the industry consisting of production planning and management, production techniques, quality control of materials and processes, machine maintenance, and product marketing in the form of public communication printed products, packaging, security, textile printing and electronic printing.


Current Issue

Vol. 11 No. 2 (2024): Kreator
					View Vol. 11 No. 2 (2024): Kreator
Published: 2025-01-17


View All Issues

Call For Papers


We invite you to publish the research and development of Kreator in the period :

  • Vol 11, No 1, April 2024 
  • Vol 11, No 2, Oktober 2024 

Please send your full paper (*.doc or *.docx) via the REGISTER/LOGIN form.


  1. Please submit using a good and correct Article Template
  2. Reference at least 15, the last 10 years publication.
  3. Recommended using Mendeley/Zotero/EndNote application in writing reference.
  4. Plagiarism Check results a maximum of 20%. Upload the plagiarism result (*.pdf) in Step 4 as an attachment file at the time of submission.
  5. Maximum file size of 2 MB.