The Democratic Role of the National Library in Improving the Culture of Information Literacy During the Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Hari Otang Sasmita IPB University, Indonesia
  • Diah Amelia Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif, Indonesia
  • Asima Sitanggang Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
  • Shinta Anggreany BPTP Balitbangtan Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia



Literacy Democracy, National Library, Communication Strategy, Covid-19,


This study was conducted to describe the role of the National Library (Perpustakaan Nasional) in improving literacy culture during the Covid-19 pandemic through the analysis of the SWOT+PEST communication strategy. With the desk research analysis method, data and information from observational information sources from online media and books combined with a description of the SWOT+PEST analysis, it was found that libraries can be said to play an important role in increasing public information literacy. The achievement of a strong literacy democracy can lead to a stronger development of Indonesia.

Author Biographies

Hari Otang Sasmita, IPB University

Ilmu Komunikasi

Diah Amelia, Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif

Ilmu Komunikasi

Asima Sitanggang, Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya

Ilmu Komunikasi

Shinta Anggreany, BPTP Balitbangtan Kalimantan Selatan

Komunikasi Pembangunan


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How to Cite

Sasmita, H. O., Amelia, D., Sitanggang, A., & Anggreany, S. (2022). The Democratic Role of the National Library in Improving the Culture of Information Literacy During the Covid-19 Pandemic. MEDIASI Jurnal Kajian Dan Terapan Media, Bahasa, Komunikasi, 3(1), 70–90.




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